This cake reminds me a lot of my doodles. It gives me hope that I could find a style to call my own.
Here is another cake I did this week for a French themed birthday. The balloon is supposed to be reminiscent of the 50's film, "Le Ballon Rouge." After I finished the cakes my coworker delicately reminded me that I shouldn't overlap any of my lines when writing in cursive. Something to work on for next time.
I also have been using the drop technique, where you hold your piping tip about an inch above your work so you can better control where your line falls. I think that technique is better for block print because it creates a bold line. I'm going to work on holding my tip at an angle when I write in cursive so I can create more variation in my line's thickness.
"Happy first birthday, Vivienne" in French.
I realized later that "bonne" was missing an "ne."
I realized later that "bonne" was missing an "ne."
Too Pretty to cut into.